Tech stuff and info dump

Ubuntu 10.04 printing fix: getting rid of the light yellow/cream background when there should be a white background

May 18th, 2010

Update 4 June 2010: the latest round of updates took care of the problem. If you’ve not yet updated, try System -> Administration -> Update Manager. Thanks for the heads-up, Reinout van Rees!

Ever since installing 10.04, I’ve found that I occasionally get rogue light yellow/cream-coloured backgrounds when I print images with a white background. This hasn’t happened with my machines running 8.04 or 9.04.

I’ve had this problem printing from OpenOffice and from Firefox; in both cases, I was printing a .jpg with a white background. I verified with xmag that there was no colour in the background that I was trying to print.

There is a Debian bug report and an Ubuntu launchpad bug report with more information and a temporary work around.

Open a terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and enter the following:

cd /usr/lib/cups/filter/

to move to the /usr/lib/cups/filter directory.

Optional: make a back-up of the file that needs to be edited by typing

sudo cp pstopdf pstopdf.backup

and entering your log-in password if prompted.

Open the file pstopdf in your favourite text editor. This can be done using gedit by typing

sudo gedit pstopdf

and entering your log-in password if prompted.

There should be a line that looks like this:

PS2PDF_OPTIONS=”$PS2PS_OPTIONS -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode \
-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dUseCIEColor”

Delete -dUseCIEColor so that the line appears like this:

PS2PDF_OPTIONS=”$PS2PS_OPTIONS -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode \

Save the file.

This worked for me with a Lexmark C544 printer. However, I don’t know what is causing the problem and I don’t know anything about what these options do. Fingers crossed, a ‘proper’ solution will be on its way….

Thank you, vbi, for the work-around!

Filed under: Fixes,printing
May 18th, 2010 13:14:07

May 24, 2010


Osama bin London
May 25, 2010

Thanks dude! That solved it. Very clever of you to have squished the bug.

The Ubuntalites now have the fix, so hopefully the update won’t be long!

DIck Kniep
May 26, 2010

Thanks this fixed it also for us…..

May 26, 2010

Thanks.. I was having this issue printing both to PDF and to my OfficeJet 8500. This fixed it.

Reinout van Rees
June 3, 2010

Just 5 minutes after reading this my ubuntu update manager window popped up. With, yeah, a fix in the cups packages :-)

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