
hats for all occasions

It was disappointing to discover the titles
on the bookshelves in the bedroom,
so different from those proudly
on display downstairs. I don’t
always want to know
about the hats
that people
for themselves
when they’re alone
or performing for people
who’d dislike those downstairs books.
There’s no need for carefully constructed
illusions to be spoiled without good cause.

Category: rwp | Tags: , 8 comments »

8 Responses to “glimpses”

  1. Jenna

    I am nosy now and want to know what those titles are! I really like the last two lines. And that picture is really interesting!

  2. swiss

    ah, this old chestnut! i’m glad it’s not just me. i shall file oway the concept of ‘downstairs books’ for later use!

  3. Daimler Gunrow

    Interesting concept, yeah, and a good poem from it.

    I like the picture too…oddness…

  4. Robin

    Well done! Isn’t it funny that we have to put on such aires…and stow away some of the things that we really cherish?

  5. Andy Sewina

    Yeah, I like your train of thought here, I could feel the motion of climbing the stairs, nicely written to the picture, and great physical shape to the poem!

  6. barbara

    nice. but I have to look at both sets. and the ones in the bathroom

  7. pamela

    Nice one! And I love the photo! I love hats.

  8. troysworktable

    Great imagery, as well as a great shape on the “page.”

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