round 2


my shoulder
seems to involve
itself in

Category: imago/poema 3 comments »

3 Responses to “round 2”

  1. Daddoo

    Oh! Sweets!

    I hope that it is isn’t too painful. You are correct in getting this done, though. It was nothing to fool with. It was very nice of Alex’s parents to accompany you. I know they love you very much by the way they treated us when we met them at the London National Museum.

    I wonder, cvan you actually use your playwriting for post op entertainment, or are you a little immobilized at this point.

    Love Dadoo

  2. Daddoo

    Oh! Sweets!

    I hope that it is isn’t too painful. You are correct in getting this done, though. It was nothing to fool with. It was very nice of Alex’s parents to accompany you. I know they love you very much by the way they treated us when we met them at the London National Museum.

    I wonder, can you actually use your playwriting for post op entertainment, or are you a little immobilized at this point.

    Love Dadoo

  3. chel

    now see
    when else in life could you come up with such a wonderful (albeit painful) description as a shoulder yawning?

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